What Others Are Saying ...
NY Times Bestselling Author Reveals ...
How To Stay Joyful, Resilient, Centered, And At Your Peak Potential, No Matter What
Life Throws At You!
No Self-Help Techniques, Repetitive Practices, Or Therapy Needed
Awaken True Happiness:
One Shift. Permanent Freedom.
"True Happiness: One Shift. Permanent Freedom."
Are You Tired Of Being Hijacked By Negativity?
You know the pattern. You're going about your day when suddenly... something happens.
Maybe a critical comment from your boss. An unexpected bill. A family disagreement.
And boom - you're drowning in anxiety, stress, fear, anger, or whatever flavor of negativity appears.
You try everything to feel better.
Meditation. Exercise. Positive thinking. Therapy. Medication. Tools and techniques. Or something else.
But here's the truth: At best, you get temporary relief.
Then something else happens, and the cycle starts again. And again. And again.
Here's what most people don't realize (including me when I was younger): This isn't just about feeling bad.
When negativity hijacks you, it:
Look closely at your life. How many hours each day does negativity steal from you?
How many relationships has it strained?
How many opportunities has it cost you?
I know this pattern intimately because I've lived it.
If you look closely, you might be surprised to discover that negativity and its ripples aren't just an occasional visitor to your life. They're near-constant companions.
I can help you eliminate the negativity and the ripples.
I know negativity and its ripples well. They used to drive me absolutely crazy!
The way my life used to be, I had moments where I experienced temporary relief from negativity, but it always found its way back into my life. And I'd find myself falling back in the same old patterns and the same awful headspace. Over and over and over again. My days became filled with so much negativity that sleep was my only escape.
At that point, negativity was literally ruining my life. It caused me to waste a huge amount of money trying to escape the pain, damage my business by trusting the wrong people, and experience trauma in my marriage because I couldn't say "Stop!" to unhealthy things that were dragging me down.
I tried everything out there to feel better: books, courses, coaches, therapies, healings, and a zillion tools and techniques. It was everything you hear miraculous success stories for, but none of it worked for me.
That really pissed me off. I was ready to give up. I desperately wanted to give up.
Then I discovered something that changed everything ...
Something I Never Thought Of Before ...
One day, I closed my eyes and started looking at what was ACTUALLY happening inside me that was making me feel so bad, something I'd never thought of doing before.
That began my investigation into the life-changing method I want to share with you today. Over the following weeks and months, I invested countless hours looking inside myself whenever I was suffering.
After months of daily introspection, I began to see things I'd never seen before. Things I'd never seen shared in any book, course, or therapy.
As "The Big Truth" of what was REALLY making me so unhappy became clearer, it changed everything for me.
When I realized I solved the mystery of how my suffering could end, I was stunned. I didn't need techniques or repetitive practices. I didn’t need expensive therapy or medication. I just needed to know how my mind really works.
I just needed to receive what I now call The Negativity Antidote.
After my suffering ended, I became “emotionally bulletproof” and awakened the profound state I call "True Happiness."
That means, regardless of what's happening in my life or global events, I naturally and automatically remain joyful, resilient, centered, and at my peak potential, which ripples out to create HUGE benefits in my life and career.
No tools, techniques, repetitive practices, or therapies are needed.
I know that may sound too good to be true, but I've now given The Negativity Antidote to thousands of people worldwide and helped them achieve the same kind of Transformation.
Ready to break free from the prison of negativity?
I've created a FREE Masterclass that will show you:
Click below to join the FREE Forever Free From Negativity Masterclass now.
My Discoveries Have Been Featured In:
The way I've helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and the way I can help you, goes against the grain of most of the popular teachings and techniques out there.
As I take you deeper and deeper into what I call "The BIG Truth Of Life," I'll help you look at things you haven't looked at before, see and experience things you haven't seen or experienced before.
Depending on your background, going deeper may trigger resistance or disagreement from your mind at the start. If it does, and you move through it, I promise the rewards will be off the charts!
To find out more about how I can help YOU receive The Negativity Antidote, register for my FREE Video Masterclass called Forever Free From Negativity by clicking on the green button below.
What Others Are Saying ...
"NO ONE TEACHES THE TRUTH of the way things are more clearly and simply than ROBERT.
My daily experience of life is now COOLER than anything I could have ever imagined!"
Carlie Hardy, United States
"The great gift I received is the freedom to finally stop judging myself and the world, no matter what's happening.
Words cannot express my gratitude for this huge shift in consciousness.
Less judgment frees me of mental and emotional pressure, and allows me to experience more peace of mind and appreciation for what is."
Beverly Nadler, United States
"Robert has a way of cutting through all the mumbo-jumbo and getting right at the heart of the matter.
I’ve never known so much peace, joy and freedom. It’s truly been a blessing.”
Dan Burnham, United States
"Over the past 10 or so years, I tried a lot of different methods and techniques to cope with my suffering.
There was a long list of people that kept telling me I had to do or take this, or not do or take that, in order to get rid of the unwanted feelings that haunted me and made my life so miserable.
The results from all of it were short-lived.
Robert's teachings and experience gave me lasting inner peace.
I will be forever grateful to Robert for this fantastic experience"
Wiebke Panter, Germany
"War broke out in my region.
As I type, I’m surrounded by the sounds of gunshots and bombs and a car alarm going off whenever a bomb falls.
As a result of my work with Robert, I have no fear, worries, concerns, or anxiety."
Yazaid Ahmed, Sudan
"Now I feel safe.
I have changed from feeling so much anxiety, alone, and many times like I wanted to be dead, to feeling cared for and optimistic, safe, happy and free.
Which is what I was desperate for more than anything."
Tricia Edwards, Australia
My Books
In addition to my New York Times bestseller, Busting Loose From The Money Game, I've written 4 other books, also bestsellers on various lists.
While the Busting Loose book is about money, it's really about all of life, using money as a gateway into Truth at the deepest level!
The experiences that led me to write the Busting Loose book triggered the first quantum leap on my Journey into True Happiness.
The Busting Loose book also struck a nerve worldwide with people hungry to discover more of The Truth about who they really are, why they're here having this Human Experience, how things really work while they're here, what TRUE abundance is, and how to experience it.
After writing the Busting Loose book, I took additional quantum leaps that led to me creating other programs, including The Ultimate Freedom Experience, and my latest, The True Happiness Experience, to help others take the same quantum leaps I did.
"People all over the world are resonating with his message of an alternative to the traditional Money Game and joyously exploring a new way of creating and experiencing total abundance.
Have you ever said words like this to yourself: 'I wish someone had told me that a long time ago?' If so, you know what it's like to discover something that radically changes your life in the blink of an eye.
As you prepare to read this book, take a deep breath, buckle your seatbelt, and get ready to blink."
Jack Canfield, NY Times bestselling author, Success Coach, Co-Creator of Chicken Soup For The Soul
The best thing about Robert’s teachings is that they are truly transformational, not just theoretical.
There are no formulas to memorize; no mantras to repeat.
By the end of a course, the learner is really changed.”
Lisa Gwin, United States
Unlike other teachers, speakers and coaches, Robert does not teach theories, techniques, or principles.
What I discovered through The Ultimate Freedom Experience was PURE EXPERIENCE of the Truth.
It is not describable, but I feel it and live with it. That made a big impact on my life and is continually doing so.
Taka Iwamoto, Japan
I was unhappy and frustrated in my life.
I was driven to find more ways to make money. I changed jobs, cities, countries, went back to school, read books.
Financially, the stress was causing anxiety attacks and migraines so severe I stayed in bed.
The joy I feel now is priceless. Money is there when I need it, in the amount that's needed, no matter what occurs.
It's absolutely amazing!
Suresh Thakoor, United States
The Best Way To Get Started ...
The best way for you to get started with me, and discover more about The Negativity Antidote, is to register for my FREE, Forever Free From Negativity Masterclass.
You can get immediate access by clicking on the green button below.
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"Awaken True Happiness: One Shift. Permanent Freedom."
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